Translation State - Ann Leckie

Thanks to NetGalley and publisher for this arc Did I request this book because there is "translation" in the title and I happen to be a translator? Yes. Was I surprised by the kind of translators that are represented in this book. Also yes. Did I understand everything about these translators? ...No. Did it hinder my enjoyment of the book? Also no. Translation State happens in the same world of the Imperial Radch series but I think you can read it separetely (or maybe that explains why I didn't understand everything, I don't know). I'm more inclined to think that the author just chooses to not explain everything, because it is a very vast world and some characters were also ignorant of elements that had left me confused. It is a queernorm setting! There are a lot of characters who use neopronouns like sie/hir, e/em. There was still some queerphobia, when at the end of the book, some people call Reet "she", which puzzled me because he was always referred...